Sunday, December 29, 2019

Should We Be Happy For Absolutely No Reason Essay

Learn to Be Happy for Absolutely No Reason By Jason Demakis | Submitted On July 24, 2014 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Jason Demakis Learn to be happy for no reason. If you re happy for a reason, you re in trouble - because that reason can be taken away from you. One of the single-greatest personal development and consciousness expansion techniques is the art of learning to be happy for absolutely no reason at all. I m well aware that the above might sound slightly delusional. This is understandable, but it s also due to the fact that most people merely assume you have no right to be happy until you ve earned it. When you come to the conscious realization that you ve merely been policing your own thinking - and that s all that s preventing genuine happiness - you reclaim your true power as an individual. BE Happy Genuine happiness is a state of being - NOT a result of external conditions lining up just right. External conditions will never be lined up perfectly - and if they ever do line up optimally - it won t be for long. Nothing external to your consciousness is permanent. Anything you tether your happiness to - be it people, places, or thingsShow MoreRelatedLust Is Easy, Love Is Hard, Like Is Most Important.1418 Words   |  6 Pagesessence? The perspectives it follows differing from an age to another is funny when understood in the literal sense. Is the essence of love a mere butterfly in a teenage girl’s tummy or the heavy heartedness of the bride when he promises to keep her happy for the clichà ©d rest of their lives? 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

South Africa The Vaal Triangle - 1210 Words

The Vaal Triangle The Vaal Triangle is made up of the complex industrial towns: Sasolburg and Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark. This triangle of industry is situated in the Highveld region of South Africa; it is estimated to be above 1500m above sea level in altitude and inhabits more than one million inhabitants. The Vaal Triangle consists of 6 racial townships which are located near the towns (due to Apartheid) for example: Boipatong, Bophelong, Sebokeng and Sharpeville. Sharpeville The township of Sharpeville occupies an area of 4.99km2 which is able to hold approximately 12 710 (2 439.35 per km2) households and a population of 37 599 (7 536.33 per km2) [Census 2011.2011]. This township is predominantly a Sesotho black township; there is a very small population other cultural groups and ethnic groups. Sharpeville previously known as Sharpe Native Township, is one of the areas whereby people were separated into different racial groups. Originally the people of Sharpeville were from Top Location, the reason for the relocation was because: â€Å"it was felt black people were too close to Vereeniging for comfort.† [Vaal Triangle Info. 2005]. The relocating of the people took 20 years to happen since the building of houses only began in 1942. [Vaal Triangle Info. 2005]. There are centripetal forces (pull forces) in accordance to the industry and schooling in Vanderbijlpark. Vanderbijlpark Vanderbijlpark is the industrial city. Vanderbijlpark is a place of education; there

Friday, December 13, 2019

Peer Reviewed Article Summary Free Essays

Peer-reviewed Articles Kimberly Winkler Psy/500 October 8, 2012 Bridgette Jenkins Abstract Resilience in any human being is vital but it also is important because it is the human capacity to face, overcome and strengthen by or even transformed by the adversities of life (Grotberg E. , Unknown). Every individual faces some sort of adversities which means that no one is exempt (Grotberg E. We will write a custom essay sample on Peer Reviewed Article Summary or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unknown). Children are no exception to adversities so they must form resilience so they can overcome trauma (Grotberg E. , Unknown). Articles that will be discussed will show different mother-child interaction and resilience in children with early developmental risk and also using the resiliency scales for children and adolescents who are in the school settings. An article which discusses the comparison of maternal and paternal influences on young children’s behavior and resilience will also be deliberated upon. Mother-Child Interaction and resilience in children with early developmental risk Mother Child interaction and resilience in children with early developmental risk speaks about a study which tests 50 children with early developmental delays. The article focused on the contributions of child characteristics and mother-child interaction to the prediction of formal intellectual disability (ID) among children with identified early developmental delays (Fenning Baker, 2012). Children become resilient in certain situations and the study that was performed showed that children remain at risk for learning difficulties and teaching them resilience tools will help the children at risk for ID (Fenning Baker, 2012). This article was extremely informative because it showed that mother-child interaction are very important to a child’s wellbeing and if not appropriately followed through with during preschool period they can be at risk for ID which increases resilience. Mother-child interaction is essential to resilience and this article portrays the importance of this. Fenning, R. M. , Baker, J. K. (2012). Mother–child interaction and resilience in children with early developmental risk. Journal Of Family Psychology, 26(3), 411-420. doi:10. 1037/a0028287 Assessing Personal Resiliency in the context of school settings: using the resiliency scales for children and adolescents Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents (RSCA) is a method to measure resiliency in students that is applicable for schools private use to utilize within the classroom environment (Embury, 2011). The RSCA will test students and pay attention to the strengths and limitations in personal resiliency (Embury, 2011). Resiliency interventions are then put into place depending on the results of the RSCA test and can be used in the school setting. School settings are just as significant as a child’s environment at home and when testing the children it will only set a foundation to better a child’s personal resiliency tools. The RSCA is easy to use and has taken studies pertaining to resilience and put them into a test form for the benefit of children in the school setting. Prince-Embury, S. (2011). Assessing personal resiliency in the context of school settings: Using the resiliency scales for children and adolescents. Psychology In The Schools, 48(7), 672-685. doi:10. 1002/pits. 20581 The Comparison and Interdependence of Maternal and Paternal Influences on Young Children’s Behavior and Resilience We all go through tough times in our life and more people than others suffer with bouts of depressions and that does not exclude mothers and fathers. Systematically it has been understood that a mother-child relationship and a mothers depressed mood will affect children more so that a father-child relationship and a fathers depressed mood (Malmberg Flouri, 2011). Research was done to decipher how depression affects young children’s behavior and their resilience to situations. I was intrigued to discover that economic deprivation and family stress have a negative effect on the mother-child relationship and in turn have a poor child outcome. Also, it was stated that during the research there was little evidence that showed the quality of father-child relationships promote resilience ( Malmberg Flouri, 2011). As important as parent-child relationships are we can learn from them to promote positive behavior and form a positive resilience which is a natural part of young children. Malmberg, L. , Flouri, E. (2011). The Comparison and Interdependence of Maternal and Paternal Influences on Young Children’s Behavior and Resilience. Journal Of Clinical Child ; Adolescent Psychology, 40(3), 434-444. doi:10. 1080/15374416. 2011. 563469 References Edith H. Grotberg, Ph. D. (Unknown). Early Childhood Development: Practice and Reflections. In Guide to Promoting Resilience in Children: Strengthening the Human Spirit. Retrieved October 8, 2012, from http://resilnet. uiuc. edu/library/grotb95b. html. How to cite Peer Reviewed Article Summary, Essay examples