Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Islam and Science Essay -- essays research papers fc

Islam and Science      The sixth century Islamic realm acquired the logical convention generally vestige. They safeguarded it, expounded it, lastly, passed it to Europe (Science: The Islamic Legacy 3). At this early date, the Islamic tradition of the Umayyads indicated an incredible enthusiasm for science. The Dark Ages for Europeans were a very long time of philosophical and logical revelation and improvement for Muslim researchers. The Arabs at the time acclimatized the antiquated intelligence of Persia and the traditional legacy of Greece, just as adjusting their own particular manners of reasoning (Hitti 363). The Islamic capacity to accommodate monotheism and science prooves to be a first time in human idea that religious philosophy, theory, and science were composed in a bound together entirety. In this way, their commitment was "one of the principal greatness, thinking about its impact upon logical and rational idea and upon the philosophy of later times" (Hitti 580). One reason for such advancement of science is likely because of God's precept to investigate the laws of nature. The thought is to appreciate all manifestations for its intricacy and to love the maker for His resourcefulness. Perhaps holding to this conviction, Islam's commitments to science had secured numerous foundations of thought including arithmetic, cosmology, medication and reasoning. A typical misguided judgment today is that religion and science can't match since they negate one another. On account of Islam, be that as it may, this announcement has been disproven by sections in the Qur’an, hadeeth (prophetic convention), and logical revelations by unmistakable Muslim logicians. Actually, one of the customs left by Prophet Muhammad shows Muslims â€Å"to look for information, however it be in China,† or not at arm’s length (Science in the Golden Age 8). Muslims are urged to utilize knowledge and perceptions to reach determinations. Islamic human advancements, indeed, were the â€Å"inheritors of the logical convention generally vestige. They saved it, expounded it, and, at long last, gave it to Europe† (Science: The Islamic Legacy 3). Quite a bit of Europe’s logical revival can be ascribed to the interpretations of more than 400 Arab creators in the subjects of ophthalmology, medical procedure, pharmaceuticals, youngster care, a nd general wellbeing (Tschanz 31). The combination of both Eastern and Western thoughts made Islamic civic establishments flourish in a... ... were likewise strict researchers. In this way, the proof is certain that concordance exists among Islam and science. Works Cited Ahmed, Shabbir. Why I Am Not a Christian. Lauderhill: Galaxy Publications, 1999. Bucaille, Maurice. â€Å"The Qur’an and Modern Science.† The Origin of Man. Jan 2001. 9 Mar 2005. . Hitti, K.Phillip. History of the Arabs.New York: St. Martins Press, 1970 Blessed Qur'an. Trans. M. H. Shakir. Elmhurst, NY: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, n.d.. Ibrahim, I.A. A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. second ed. Houston: Darussalam, 1997. Ruler, A. David. Islamic Mathematical Astronomy .London: Varioum Reprints, 1986. Lunde, Paul. â€Å"Science in the Golden Age.† Aramco World Magazine. 1986. Lunde, Paul. â€Å"Science: The Islamic Legacy.† Aramco World. 1986: 3-13. Osler, Sir William. The Evolution of Modern Medicine. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921. Sirasi, G. Nancy. Avicenna in Renaissance Italy. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1987. Tschanz, David W. â€Å"The Arab Roots of European Medicine.† Aramco World. May/June 1997: 20-31. Zahoor, A. what's more, Z. Haq. â€Å"Qur’an and Scientific Knowledge.† 9 March 2005.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Formation of the Islamic State Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Formation of the Islamic State - Assignment Example He was the organizer and pioneer of al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad shaped during the 1990s (Osobista 17). Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the present chief of ISIS however before that he was a functioning Muslim minister and an adherent of Saddam Hussein. He lectures radical Islam and is accepted to be a Caliph by his supporters. The two men assume a job in the development of ISIS as Zarkawis fear based oppressor bunches prompted the arrangement of ISIS just as the lessons of Baghdadi the pioneer of ISIS. Baghdadi was the pioneer of al-Qaeda in 2010 preceding the development of ISIS in 2014. The two men were cooperating in fear monger assaults that later framed ISIS (Osobista 30). Baghdadi is a man of hardly any words where one can say he is a self observer. History proposes that he was not a social individual and didn't have numerous companions. He is a caliph who invests the majority of his energy in the mosque driving petitions. Baghdadi, dissimilar to Zarkawi, is certifiably not a fierce individual. Zarkawi’s character, then again, is open right from his administration of al Qaeda. He was the one driving in the extreme lessons of Islam and had a huge after (Osobista 15)..

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Right to Own a Gun Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

The Right to Own a Gun      Are you ready to kick back and turn into a survivor of rough wrongdoing or permit the administration to mess with your common freedoms? As of late, hostile to weapon government officials have endeavored to control firearms for the sake of wrongdoing anticipation this is an ambush on the Second Amendment privileges of US residents . The Second Amendment states, â€Å" An all around directed Militia being important to the Security of a free express, the privilege of the individuals to keep and remain battle ready, will not be infringed.† Not just did our Founding Fathers center their discussion around the privilege of individuals to keep and carry weapons, they committed vitality to urging people in the future to guard theories opportunities. With regards to firearm proprietorship, Alexander Hamilton stated, â€Å"If conditions ought to whenever oblige the legislature to frame a multitude of any extent, that military can never be considerable to the freedoms of t he individuals while there is a huge assortment of residents, little if at all sub-par compared to them in discipline and the utilization of arms, who stand prepared to guard their privileges and those of their individual citizens.† During our country’s advancement many well behaved residents had the option to wage war against uncivilized crowds to shield themselves, their family, their homes, and their organizations. They carried out the responsibility law requirement just couldn't do. Lives were spared. Burglaries were forestalled. Homes and organizations were protected and left unblemished, all gratitude to the Second Amendment to our sacred, the option to keep and remain battle ready. Americans have made it understood they dismiss most government interruptions on their essential social equality, including the privilege of firearm possession. As indicated by an April 18, 1994 investigation by Penn and Schoen Associates, Inc. upwards of 85 percent of American grown-ups said they are reluctant to relinquish fundamental common freedoms regardless of whether it could improve their own wellbeing. 75 percent concurred that police and the equity frameworks couldn’t secure them; individuals said they need to assume greater liability for shielding themselves. 62 percent said the requirement for individual firearms possession is expanding, and a dominant part is reluctant to acknowledge laws that confine weapon proprietorship significantly. Weapons, Crime, and Freedom expresses that, no firearm law which confines the privilege of honest residents to claim weapons has been demonstrated to diminish wrongdoing or manslaughters, not in any case the Brady Law and the â€Å"Clinton Crime Bill.† These two laws st... ...f government law requirement offices carried out their responsibilities as for firearms and indicted vicious criminals utilizing just GCA’68, as transformed, weapon control would not be an issue and we would be far toward taking care of the brutal wrongdoing issue. We would get lawbreakers off the avenues and into prison. Americans need fierce crooks off the roads and out of their neighborhoods. The primary concern is Americans are disturbed about wrongdoing and adequately dismiss government arrangements that encroach on their privileges and freedoms.      Ultimately, it is a person’s decision to utilize guns to carry out savage violations. So crooks ought to be controlled, not the firearms which they share with a great many well behaved residents. Weapon control supporters guarantee that firearm control brings down crime percentage. We as individuals need to stand firm and battle for our Second Amendment and the option to carry weapons. Firearm control advocates need to understand that passing laws that fair weapon proprietors won't obey is a foolish technique. Firearm proprietors are not going to give up their freedoms or their entitlement to remain battle ready. The Federal Govement of the United States ought not have the option to remove the privilege of reputable residents to claim a weapon.  â â â â

Thursday, June 4, 2020

CARS Dos and Don’ts for Studying Success

Some students can feel adrift when setting out to study for CARS. These helpful Dos and Don’ts you help you get started! DO: Approach with confidence CARS is a special MCAT section because everything you need is right there! You don’t need to know anything else beyond what is in the passage. You don’t need to memorize biochemical pathways or physics equations or psychology terms. You just need to let yourself think clearly and strategically. DON’T: Fall into a fixed mindset Too many students make the mistake of approaching CARS as something they are good or bad at. This fixed mindset of seeing CARS skill as a permanent trait, as opposed to the growth mindset of realizing that you can improve immensely through personal effort, can limit you unfairly. Anybody can be amazing at CARS. If you are not comfortable with this section starting out, with a focus on strategy and lots of directed practice, you could end up with CARS as your new favorite section! DO: Put in the time You spent whole semesters of coursework learning biology, physics, and chemistry. Those subjects have a head start and so you may need to put in more time for CARS than for other sections. While you’ve been reading for decades now, thinking about these passages in the way the test-makers want you to think about them takes practice and practice requires time. DON’T: Forget timing It is so easy to run into trouble with timing on this section. You can get distracted or lost in circular thinking on just one difficult question. However, that one question is worth just as many points as an easier one in the next passage. If your timing is off, you may not even get to all the questions and that leaves valuable points on the table. When you do CARS practice passages, ALWAYS time yourself. DO: Get creative to stay engaged in the material Some passages are more interesting than others. If you’re having trouble staying focused, try following along each line with your mouse cursor so you don’t skip over anything important—you can even bounce along like karaoke if that makes it more fun. If you find the subject matter distasteful or you disagree with the writer, lean into that feeling. Imagine you are going to debate the author and you need to pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of their argument so you can explain just why they are wrong. This can actually turn an unpleasant passage into a fun exercise. DON’T: Expect linear progress Because there is so much variability in the passages and the way information is presented, it is difficult to see a trend showing improvement right away. There are simply too many confounding factors in each passage: your familiarity with the topic, your interest in the topic, and how well the logic of the questions meshes with your unique way of thinking. Furthermore, because each passage takes a long time to go through, in an hour of studying you may be practicing fewer questions doing CARS than other sections. It takes time to see the progress you’re making in CARS, but eventually it all clicks and you’ll see a large jump in your score and it will all be worth it. DO: Keep at it! CARS can challenging, but the right approach can make studying a much more rewarding and even enjoyable process. The road to medical school is long, and the MCAT is one of its most formidable challenges. You will be relieved to know that what you learned in your premedical courses is actually on the test. But studying for the MCAT is more about taking that knowledge stored way back there in the nooks and crannies of your mind, bringing it to the fore, and then learning to twist and stretch it in the ways the MCAT tests. In reality, studying for the MCAT is no more (or less) difficult than spending late hours on a physics problem set or an entire weekend on an organic chemistry lab report. Just like these other tasks, the MCAT requires endurance and follow-through, but it becomes significantly more manageable when you work with a Cambridge Coaching MCAT tutor to apply a structured, systematic, and strategic approach to your studying. Anyone can study hard - but the real key to MCAT success is learning to study smart. So, while all forms of MCAT preparation require you to crunch a lot of material, we focus on helping you to make strategic choices about your areas of focus at every step of the game. Each Cambridge Coaching tutor is a highly-skilled manager of your personal study process. He or she will do more than just target your weaknesses - your tutor’s goal is to identify the sections where you have the greatest potential for improvement, and teach you to wring every last point from them by creating the roadmap for your studying, and helping you stick to it. Right from the start, your tutor will create a customized syllabus for you, and will then modify that syllabus as needed. ; Planning on taking the MCAT in 2020? Check out some other helpful blog posts below! 3 essential tips for the MCAT Psychology/Sociology section Don’t make the MCAT CARS section harder than it needs to be! Build on your existing reading skills. A comprehensive guide to MCAT resources

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Responding to Discrimination During a Job Interview

Its not always easy to determine if youve been the victim of discrimination during a job interview. However, many people can relate to being ecstatic about an upcoming interview, only to show up and get a hostile vibe from the prospective employer.  In fact, in some cases, a company official may actually dissuade a person from applying for the position in question. What went wrong? Was race a factor? With these tips, learn to identify when your civil rights have been violated during a job interview. Know Which Interview Questions Are Illegal to Ask A major complaint ethnic minorities have about racism in contemporary America is that it’s more likely to be covert than overt. That means a prospective employer isn’t likely to say outright that your ethnic group needn’t apply for a job at that company. However, an employer might ask interview questions about your race, color, sex, religion, national origin, birthplace, age, disability or marital/family status. Asking about any of these matters is illegal, and you’re under no obligation to answer such questions. Mind you, every interviewer who poses such questions may not do so with the intention of discriminating. The interviewer may simply be ignorant of the law. In any case, you can take the confrontational route and inform the interviewer that you’re not obliged to answer these questions or take the non-confrontational route and avoid answering the questions by changing the subject. Some interviewers who do intend to discriminate may be aware of the law and savvy about not directly asking you any illegal interview questions. For example, instead of asking where you were born, an interviewer might ask where you grew up and comment on how well you speak English. The goal is to prompt you to disclose your birthplace, national origin or race. Once again, feel no obligation to respond to such questions or comments. Interview the Interviewer Unfortunately, not all companies that practice discrimination will make proving it easy for you. The interviewer might not ask you questions about your ethnic background or make insinuations about it. Instead, the interviewer might treat you hostilely from the outset of the interview for no apparent reason or tell you from the start that you wouldn’t be a good fit for the position. Should this happen, turn the tables and begin to interview the interviewer. If told you wouldn’t be a good fit, for example, ask why you were called in for the interview then. Point out that your resume hasn’t changed between the time you were called in for the interview and showed up to apply. Ask which qualities the company seeks in a job candidate and explain how you line up with that description. It’s also worth noting that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandates that â€Å"job requirements†¦ be uniformly and consistently applied to persons of all races and colors.† To boot, job requirements that are applied consistently but not important for business needs may be unlawful if they disproportionately exclude individuals from certain racial groups. The same is true if an employer requires workers to have educational backgrounds that don’t directly relate to job performance. Take note if your interviewer lists any job requirement or educational certificate that seems non-essential to business needs. When the interview ends, be sure that you have the full name of the interviewer, the department the interviewer works in, and, if possible, the name of the interviewer’s supervisor. Once the interview wraps up, note any off-color remarks or questions the interviewer made. Doing so could help you notice a pattern in the interviewer’s line of questioning that makes it clear that discrimination was at hand. Why You? If discrimination factored into your job interview, identify why you were targeted. Was it just because you are African American, or was it because you are young, African American and male? If you say that you were discriminated against because you are black and the company in question has a number of black employees, your case won’t look very credible. Find out what separates you from the pack. The questions or comments the interviewer made should help you pinpoint why. Equal Pay for Equal Work Suppose that salary comes up during the interview. Clarify with the interviewer if the salary you are being quoted is the same anyone with your job experience and education would receive. Remind the interviewer how long you’ve been in the workforce, the highest level of education you’ve attained and any awards and accolades you’ve received. You might be dealing with an employer who isn’t averse to hiring racial minorities but compensates them less than their white counterparts. This, too, is illegal. Testing During the Interview Were you tested during the interview? This could constitute discrimination if you were tested for â€Å"knowledge, skills or abilities that are not important for job performance or business needs,† according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Such a test would also constitute discrimination if it eliminated a disproportionate number of people from a minority group as job candidates. In fact, employment testing was at the root of the controversial Supreme Court case Ricci v. DeStefano, in which the City of New Haven, Conn., threw out a promotional exam for firefighters because racial minorities overwhelmingly did poorly on the test. What Next? If you were discriminated against during a job interview, contact the supervisor of the person who interviewed you. Tell the supervisor why you were a target of discrimination and any questions or comments the interviewer made that violated your civil rights. If the supervisor fails to follow up or take your complaint seriously, contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and file a charge of discrimination against the company with them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

College Should Be Free - 759 Words

Should the cost of earning a college degree be free? Some students,parents, and educators say that it is morally wrong for a child to spend their entire life going to public school for free and having them to just turn around and pay for college. The students, parents, and educators all would agree that the cost of obtaining a college degree should indeed be free. Those who are against this issue believe that the students themselves or their parents who are financially able should pay for some or all of the expense of attending college after all public school students are given a free ride from elementary to high school. Understanding and considering both sides of the issue, I strongly stand by the decision stating that the cost of attending college should be free. To begin, earning a college degree should be based on a students intellectual ability to complete the curriculum not their ability to meet financial guidelines. Most colleges say that they accept students who have a two point zero grade point average or higher, standard SAT and ACT scores, and the twenty four credits needed to graduate, but once a student meets all the qualifications they are still turned down due to the fact that they are unable to pay the cost that is needed for college. Students unable to meet federal guidelines in order to receive financial aid also may not qualify for income based scholarships. In America the cost of living and tuition has increased while the average household incomeShow MoreRelatedShould College Be Free College?848 Words   |  4 Pages Free College Why are not more people going to college? One obvious answer would be cost, especially the cost of tuition. But the problem is not just that college is expensive. It is also that going to college is complicated. Free college is not just about cultural and social, neither economic. It means navigating advanced courses, standardized tests, and forms. It means figuring out implicit rules-rules that can change. College graduates have higher employment ratesRead MoreShould College Be Free? Essay1520 Words   |  7 PagesShould college be free? A current universal problem poses this question. In today’s world, full of public education standards that hold students maybe too high and in a generation bogged down by student debt, this issue qualifies as a problem more than many are maybe even willing to admit. While the prospect of free college proposes excellent ideals such as a stronger and smarter generation, no student loan problems, and a higher educated society, the truth may a ctually lie in the reality thatRead MoreShould College Be Free College?1614 Words   |  7 Pagescandidates because of his belief that tuition and cost of living at public colleges and universities should be free. Free college has become one of the most talked about policy proposals on the campaign trail, but questions surround the policy, such as how it would work, how much it would cost and how it would affect students (Rhatican). Most colleges bundle their prices in terms of tuition and fees. In 1995, tuition for private colleges was around 14k, for Public out of state it was around 7k and for publicRead MoreShould College Be Free College?1688 Words   |  7 Pagesto cover the costs? Free college is now brought up as a debate whether or not students should receive free college tuition while attending college. Some individuals would like this idea, but I am definite the taxpayers would not like it or support it. If the government cannot afford what they are in debt with now, I am quiet uncertain how adding free college would help the debt go down. I am sure that the government would find some way to get their money back from allowing free tuition, or twice theRead MoreCollege Should Not Be Free876 Words   |  4 Pagesmake public college tuition free. A recent movement to federally mandate college funding has struck the interest of the lower, impoverished members of society. However, if college tuition were free it would be unfair, unregulated, and cost-ineffective in the long run. What does free really mean? Does it include just tuition, or room, board and books? Also, would it be completely free? Someone has to pay something somewhere down the line. There is no way to make college completely free. It would beRead MoreShould Colleges Be Free? Essay1186 Words   |  5 PagesShould colleges be free in America? It is a question that is more relevant today than ever before. As education is one key factor that determines the nation’s fate going forward, this question is worth debating. Making free college education may sound good theoretically but requires herculean efforts to make it practically possible. The main question is whether such program be effective in the long run or not? If, yes how long will the government able to support these costs and from where? Are tuitionRead MoreShould College Be Free?893 Words   |  4 Pagesor not college should be free. Images of students rallying and protesting can be often seen in the news. They are in favor of making college free. I disagree and feel that college should not be free. People would be more likely to fail because there would be no financial consequence, the financial burden would be passed on to taxpayers who wouldn’t even benefit from it, and it would not be fair to those who work hard through earning scholarships and serving in the military. College should not beRead MoreShould College Be Free844 Words   |  4 PagesShould college be free? Posted on  May 8, 2011  by  writefix Should college education be free, or should university students be required to pay tuition fees? Some countries have free education from kindergarten to university, while  students in other countries have to pay  at every step of the way.  This essay will look at some of the reasons for this difference  at university level. Free third level education has several advantages. First of all,  everyone can attend, so the gap between rich and poorRead MoreShould College Be Free?1907 Words   |  8 PagesShould College Be â€Å"Free† in America? As many young millennials rally behind Bernie Sanders and his outlandish claims of free public college for all, others sigh and shake their heads in disapproval. Are these college students really entitled to free higher education? Is it every American’s unalienable right to have a college education? Despite the recent push for free college in the United States, the economic burden and drop in personal responsibility it would create proves that colleges shouldRead MoreShould College Be Free?1916 Words   |  8 Pagesthroats since elementary, I am planning to attend college. My sisters and I being the first generation in our family to attend college, everything is a little scarier. Nothing scared me more than seeing the cost of the tuition. My parents dropped out of college after one year because they didn’t put the work in to get scholarships, and tuition was too much. My oldest sister is in her third year of college and is already planning to come out of college w ith $70,000 debt, because she is in a private school

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Arnold Palmer Hospital free essay sample

1. 0 INTRODUCTION Arnold Palmer Hospital is one of the largest hospitals for women and children in the U. S which founded in 1989. Arnold Palmer Hospital was ranked one of the nation’s Top 30 pediatric hospitals for heart care and heart surgery by U. S. News World Report, in their 2008 edition of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals. Arnold Palmer Hospital is the only hospital in the central area with an emergency/trauma department dedicated to pediatric patients. The hospital’s Congenital Heart Institute (CHI), created by a partnership with Miami Children’s Hospital, is well-known for its pediatric cardiovascular services. The Congenital Heart Institute combines a select group of cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists, cardiovascular, physicians, nurses,intensivists and technicians to diagnosis and offer treatment to infants and children with heart disease or congenital heart disorders. The CHI is the only pediatric cardiology center to offer real time web-based surgical outcome data. From its opening in 1989 to 2006, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children was known as Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Women. We will write a custom essay sample on Arnold Palmer Hospital or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After the opening of Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women Babies, in all women’s services, including delivery were moved to Winnie Palmer Hospital. Arnold Palmer Hospital became a children’s hospital focused solely on specialty and subspecialty healthcare for children. The purpose of this assignment is to carry out a case study on Arnold Palmer Hospital Based on the information I search in my assignment. The top management of Arnold Palmer Hospital’s must critically evaluate, develop and justify approach towards enhancing the quality of services, processes and supply chain at Arnold Palmer Hospital. To evaluate the transformations required to enhance Arnold Palmer Hospital’s philosophy of 100% patient satisfaction. Arnold Palmer Hospital free essay sample Arnold Palmer Hospital was founded in 1989. It is one of the largest hospitals for women and children in U. S. , with 431 beds in two facilities totaling 676,000 square feet. Located in downtown Orlando, Florida, and named after its famed golf benefactor, the hospital with more than 2000 employees serves an 18-country area in central Florida and is the only Level 1 trauma centre for children in that region. Arnold Palmer Hospital provides a broad range of medical services including neonatal and paediatric intensive care, paediatric oncology and cardiology, care for high-risk pregnancies, and maternal intensive care. Arnold Palmer Hospital had been a long-time member of a large buying group, one servicing 900 members. But the group did have a few limitations. For example, it might change suppliers for a particular product every year (based on a new lower-cost bidder) or stock only a product that was not familiar to the physicians at Arnold Palmer Hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Arnold Palmer Hospital or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The buying group was also not able to negotiate contracts with local manufacturers to secure buying pricing. Effective supply chain management in manufacturing often focuses on development of new product innovations and efficiency through buyer-vendor collaboration. However, the approach in a service industry has a slightly different emphasis. At Arnold Palmer Hospital, supply chain opportunities often manifest themselves through the Medical Economic Outcomes Committee. This Committee (and its subcommittees) consists of users (including the medical and nursing staff) who evaluate purchase options with a goal of better medicine while achieving economic targets.